Learn german. method to learn vocabulary, useful expressions and you will gain a good pronunciation in german.. Learning how to speak german can be really easy if you approach it the right way. fluent in 3 months - language hacking and travel tips. the german roots of english.. Learn to speak, write and understand german quickly and easily in order to achieve your personal and german made simple: the language of instruction is english;.

Second language infographic - e-learning infographics

Learn afrikaans online: basic afrikaans phrases

German grammar - prapositionen mit dativ und akkusativ
Learn english, french, german or spanish. learn to speak is simply the fastest and most effective way to go from novice level to language mastery.. Duolingo is the world's most popular way to learn a language. it's 100% free, fun and science-based. practice online on duolingo.com or on the apps!. German for beginners: study tips use your first language to learn the second. german and english are german-speakers don't have to translate when they speak..