I am an english native speaker, however i have studied french in school for four years. both countries are supposed to be wonderful and the languages are both supposed to be great.. I once asked if german or russian is easier. most said german. even though i know this i still struggle to decide. i don't want to learn both because i would rather do one thing well than two things poorly.. I already started studying japanese and fell in love with their culture and language. i've been studying a bit and know a few basics, just no kanji yet..

Which foreign language is the most popular & has more

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You should give more information on why you want to learn it. if you want to discuss with people, you are more likely to come across german speaking people in europe, but if you travel to japan, then obviously japanese is of more use.. At university which language should i study and why? i really like these two languages and am already quite good at french. which is easier? which is more beneficial (for business or an employer, etc)?. Ok, well i'm young and my mom passed away when i was 7 and she spoke fluent german but she never got to teach me and now i am wanting to learn german just because of her but i do not know where to learn it!.