Girl who blogs about germany and other things related to the german language. i‘m fluent in german & am willing to help with all sorts of questions~ just dm me. Naked life in germany, its origins, meaning and followers. find out about fkk or "freikörperkultur", sexy german culture and learn the naked truth about this.... Speaking german! sunny. loading tumblr: how to learn german fast! my story - duration:.

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Ich lerne deutsch! october 12, 2010 6:29 follow germanheit for awesome posts that help you learn german. i did. =) 1 note; german is known for being able to. I'm alice. i'm a native german who likes to help others. i created this tumblr on a suggestion of a friend who is learning german and i hope this blog might be also useful for all the german learners.... Love procrastinating online? are you procrastinating right now? start learning german the fun way now with these awesome, interactive german learning websites..